Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I am frustrated. Blogging about it doesn't help motivate me, it just helps me wallow in my commisery. My Butts and Guts class is almost over, my butt seems to have only increased in size. My gut is no tighter. I was actually the only one who showed up to the class last Thursday. It was cold out, but not raining, so there was no reason others didn't show up, but they didn't. I felt good about that at least; that I had made the committment and actually showed up. I think a lot of the women have given up. I have too, but I figure I paid for the class, I'm going to go and get my money's worth. It was kinda nice being there by myself. I got individualized attention, although we got to talking about nutrition and stuff, which is good, but then I felt like he was pushing me to sign up to take some personal sessions with him. He's $35 a session and he went on to describe how the sessions would work and he said something about how it would be 10-12 sessions over a 3 month time frame. What I really would like if I could afford and my schedule would allow would be to do 4 times a week every week for a at least 3 or 4 weeks to begin to see some results. He also mentioned that we could only workout at certain places because even tho he and I are both members of the Y, he couldn't work out with me there because he's not a trainer for them. I thought it would just be like 2 friends working out together. We both paid for memberships, so what difference does it make if he works out on the machine next to me or we run the track side by side, but he said he would be uncomfortable doing that. Well, I am uncomfortable paying for another membership elsewhere in addition to private session fees. It doesn't make any sense for me to pay extra for another gym. I already have a gym membership and it's only 3 blocks from my office, so why can't I just drag my butt there every day. As for the Halloween candy, it ticks me off. There is never not a 'season' when there isn't some candy in a new seasonal wrapper that screams at me to buy it and eat it.

1 comment:

  1. Ok I think I just pissed my pants laughing at your blog how many pounds did I lose doing that? We are so alike, however the candy does not scream buy me, it is the chips and lately the DQ. What the hell!!!!!!You can't stop blogging I do really get motivation from yours and gym girls when she updates once a month!! Come on gym girl- we are shooting for daily but we will let you try weekly if that works for you!!! Any way don't buy another gym membership, this guy must think your hot and and to work with you "alone" why would he feel uncomfortable working with you at the Y? It is like you said no different than friends, interesting check him out he probably got fired from the Y!!!!!! Guess what I bought us today????? All three of us!!!! HEALTH LOGS!!! yes, I did, they were the last 3 they had!!!!!! It's fate ladies!! I will have to mail yours to you. I am REALLY GOING TO USE MINE WHEN I COME BACK FROM VEGAS!!!!!!!!!! It is like a food journal but you log your food, which you can break down into % of fat, protein and Carbs, calories( can help with this to. You log your exercise, and your habbits!!! WOW there is also a place for REWARDS!!! Prior to Vegas I would have to put DQ in that spot!! Not when I get back!!!!! They were a huge investment so you and gym girl better use them!!!!!! If you can't make it to the gym you can shovel snow for exercise!! I do think you should invest in a heart rate monitor. you can get one on e-bay for cheap. Be sure to get one made by polar. Some track your calories burned, mine does but it isn't set up right, i need to find the book and read more on it. Good luck with that. But if you just use it for your heart rate at least you know where you are at. Your Y should have charts that you can take with you or on the wall to see where you should be. If not ask one of the trainers. How about we try this for you. Since sweets and candy are your downfall, you can pick and bake only 3, yes I said 3 types of treats for Chistmas this year. You can make one thing for Halloween and one for Thanksgiving!!!! At Christmas there must be one sugar cookie for me!!!! Nobody needs all that stuff and you will save a ton of money!! when it's gone it is gone. If you want to make something for your neighbors you are going to have to start googling to see what is easy that isn't food!!!! Good luck, are you up for this challenge??????????????
