Friday, August 21, 2009

Tiny food set-back

Yesterday I did semi-ok for eating (until evening anyway). I had oatmeal for breakfast, a special K bar thing for a snack, blueberries, veggies (with a tiny bit of ranch dipping), a ham sandwich for lunch on 12 grain ww bread, snack was cherries and peanut butter. I went to Guts and Butts. It was better this time; I think because I knew what to expect. Afterwards I was starving. Here's where the set-back comes in. I ate one chicken nugget on the way home. (It was left over from Gryffen's supper as he had to come to class with me until Brent could pick him up about 6:15. He didn't eat his whole Happy Meal and I was hoping Brent would see it and take it with but he didn't, so it was in the car and I was starving so I ate the lone remaining nugget). I should have thrown it in the garbage before I even left the park so it wouldn't be in the car, but I didn't. One single nugget doesn't sound so bad, but here comes the bad part. When I got home it was about 8:15 and I was starving. I made some egg beaters with a little shredded cheese on them (more than I should have but less than I really wanted). I had 3 taco dorito chips, then made scotcheroos, which wasn't bad until I licked the frosting pan, then I cut up some watermelon, cantelope & pineapple. I had to eat some of each, then before bed I ate a small scotcheroo. I think for me it was that I hadn't really had any sweets in about 4 days (other than fruit) and it was late when I ate again (after 8:00). I need to be more aware of this. Maybe I can put some veggies in a lunch bag on the nights when I have Guts and Butts so I munch on those on the way home rather than hork out when I get home. Remember, I'm supposed to have Post Raisin Bran after a work-out, not scotcheroos!! I did not get much water in yesterday either. I only got in maybe 40 ounces. So today needs to be a good day to get back on track. We are heading to MN this weekend with some friends to their cabin. I will NOT eat like a pig. I will eat healthy, like how about the burger without the bun and the fruit I cut up? I am not even taking any beer; only water!! I also packed my running clothes, so I plan to get in at least a light jog or a long walk or maybe both! So I will not post until Monday, but I will post about how the weekend was.


  1. Cut yourself some slack it was only one chicken nugget!! How could it even taste good all sad, loney and COLD in it's little box? ICK! If you are like me you need to find a balance with sugar so not having it for 4 days is HUGE, so if you ate the scotcheroo who cares as long as you didn't eat the whole pan. Man, I haven't had those in forever, those are Pat's favorite!(only mine, hee hee) At least you had the fruit and didn't grab the bag of chips, so that is good. Those taco doritos are disgusting by the way!!( Tried them at grandma's when we had Gavyn those are the chips he wanted for the picnic) Ok down to the real issue!! Arn't you going to the lake in MN with the BALLERUDES???? You say you won't drink?? Yum, isn't this the same neighbors house we got the beer at on our walk? Well I hope you drink lots of water. However if having a couple of beers is what you really want then do it!!! Just don't drink as many as I did!! haha You can get back on track when you come home, just be sure you do, you still have to enjoy yourself!!! I paid my 5 bucks to have enchiladas and rice tomorrow at work, made my a true mexican so not sure how much I will eat, pretty hot and spicey I am guessing, I just know that I have to go to the gym or eat less the rest of my meals to compensate. It's Misty's b-day on Saturday and she gets to go to Carino's in Fargo so jelous, but unless she eats plain lettuce she will be eating something she normally wouldn't eat as well. And if she does just eat lettuce there is seriously something wrong with her!! (Sorry,Misty) So you should feel better that we will all be having something that we wouldn't normally so just have fun!!! Just think how fun working all that stuff off at your class will be!!!! Have fun this weekend. I will be tending to 70 needy inmates!!!!!!

  2. Enjoy your weekend Sheryl! I do know that it's hard to stop once you start drinking but I'm sure that it's more fun to be at the lake and have a beer or two. Is it a ND girl thing? A lot of my MN friends are not as big of beer girls as I am.

    Yes, I am going to Carino's and I'm going to enjoy every last bite of it. You can bet that I'm going to start with a salad, and not even a caesar one. A lot of Italian places put anchovies in their caesar dressing - YUCK!

    I have to say that your little "extras" don't sound that bad to me. I think what is great is that you recognized that you didn't like the behavior, not even necessarily the food. I have to agree with Shelia. The new version of the Taco Doritos gross me out! I was very disappointed. But, it's good for me because now I will no longer crave them.

    I can't wait to see what we all have to say about our weekends on Monday morning!!!
