So I stepped on the scale this morning-down 2 from yesterday so that makes a total of 3 so far. I know that seems like a lot, but seriously I have made some big changes, even if it only has been a couple days. I increased my water intake yesterday to 52 ounces, which is still quite shy of the 90 or so I should be drinking, but every little bit helps. I think more than anything, the number on the scale has moved because of the water. The deal with this is that I am also taking more walks down the hall at work to use the restroom. It's a nice way to force myself to get up and stretch my legs.
I went to the gym after work and warmed up with a 5 minute brisk walk, then ran for 12 straight minutes (no incline yet tho) and then walked for a few more, ran a couple more then cooled down with a brisk walk. All in all I only did 25 minutes, but I was getting so bored and I had a million things rolling thru my mind that needed to get done. The great part was it was 5:32 when I walked out of the gym-so I still felt like I had a whole evening left. The entire time I was on the treadmill, my legs were hurting. I know it's from using muscles on Monday in my new class that I haven't used in a while. I debated whether or not to run/walk outside at it was gorgeous and I figure before long I will be forced to exercise indoors, but the thing with the treadmill is I can keep a constant speed and I'm cognizant of how long I actually run whereas when I'm outside, I just find a marker and run to that so I don't force myself to stay running like I do on the treadmill. My goal is to run a little longer each time, even if I only build by 30 seconds or a minute each time, until I reach at least 2 miles and then go from there. I would really love to run the 5K here in Bismarck in September, but we'll see how the running goes. I also don't want to do it if I embarrass myself because that would only discourage me.
After the gym, I went home to make supper. I did not snack at all while cooking. I got a big glass of water with a straw and sipped on that. I only ate one taco. I fixed everyone's plates, then sat down and didn't get up. I could hear myself saying 'you'd better have another 1/2 of a taco because you won't eat anything else tonight' and then I asked myself if I was really hungry or just worried that I wouldn't get anything later. I finished my water and kept my butt planted at the table so I wouldn't eat anymore. We took the boys school shopping (which is a workout itself). When we got home, I had a banana, took a shower and tucked my babies in. I laid in bed watching tv for a little too long (the truth is there was a bug flying around in our room and I couldn't get it with the flyswatter and I couldn't shut the light off knowing it might crawl on me in my sleep).
I woke up this morning tired and because I'm tired, my body feels like it weighs a ton. I am going to get some water in as soon as I finish my coffee for the day.
I had malt-o-meal for breakfast again, have grapes, animal crackers, pretzels, jello and apple and almonds for my snacks today and a ham sandwhich on light bread for lunch. I am determined to have a great day today. Brent will be picking up the boys tonight so I am off to the gym again tonight! My body is a little achey/sore from the class on Monday night, but I will power thru it-you know like it hurts so good! (that's me trying to stay positive)! 2 days down, ???? many to go.
I think you are doing great! I did a Body Pump class today with Shelia and barely made it through. I'm going to have tired muscles tomorrow! Thankfully tomorrow is a cardio day.
ReplyDeleteGood for you to keep your butt planted on your seat and only have one taco!! Love those shells!! Hope you bought them at Wal-mart so they were cheaper!! I will not reveal my weight loss until Sunday, AND there better be more than what I have now!!!!! It's ok to just do 25mintues at the gym, how can you have thougths running thru your head, don't you have an IPOD? you should be focusing on the song not what you have to do silly. I trick myself and say I will run until the end of this song and then if I need to take a break I will. It works well for me. My IPOD does the songs randomly so I never know what is coming up, therefore no cheating long song or short one!! Good for you!! Are you going to continue to weigh your self daily?
ReplyDeleteOh, are you going to change your picture daily to????? I must say that beautiful yellow flower must go!!!