Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Little Energy

So, last night I did not have a snack with protein in it prior to going to Guts and Butts. I was so tired and lifeless. I was hungry afterwards so I went home and horked down a plate of nachos (chips with melted cheese and salsa). If you try to justify eating it like I do, then here goes; the chips were my grain, the cheese my calcium and the salsa, veggies, so it was almost a well-balanced meal! I get it-that's not right!! After that, I too had a skinny cow ice cream bar-wow was that yummy! Thanks to my sons and husband, there are fewer of those in the freezer now. At first I thought, great they are eating all my treats, then I realized that they were having a healthier snack too. (sometimes hindsight makes me realize it's not always all about me!) After all of that, Gavyn asked me to go on a bike ride. We went what felt like miles after working my legs so hard at my class. It was maybe only a mile total, but it felt really good; for 2 reasons. One-because I was doing something with my son that HE wanted to do and Two-because it was good for me. What a way to cap off the day! I may not have lost any weight yesterday, but I enjoyed a very nice evening with my family and that speaks to my health too!

1 comment:

  1. What did you learn from this experience? Your body needs to have a little protein before working out!! I used to think my body needed any kind of food before working out that's why I would eat half a bag of chips, then feel so gulity that I HAD to go to the gym. Find some sort of protein bar that you can keep in your car and eat it on the way over to your class, it may not be what you want but your body will thank you. Or grab a string cheese and have that. For me one string cheese is never enough I always have to have at least 2. As far as your eating goes when you got home, that was just your body wanting something and for you that was what was available. That is the hardest part for me. When I get done working out I don't usually feel like eating, but I do anyway. I think if I would wait that 1) by the time I am hungry it is to late to eat something bigger and 2) if I just snack I will over eat, no winning there!!! By the way what happened to the cereal you bought to eat after your class????? I am telling you, Clean out that dang chip cupboard!!!! If you don't have it, you won't eat it. I am sure your family can live without them!! Think of it this way, get rid of them and then when you want a treat or a cheat day, think how good they will taste!!!! The bike ride was great, you worked off a few of those nachos!!! Did you get a new bike yet? Get one and you will ride for miles!! haha The skinny cow, is a lifesaver if you ask me!! Ice cream used to make me sick, but now I can tolerate it (at times, still not going to eat it unless I am at home)WAY< WAY less calories than any DQ item, and they taste good!! I am not a fan of the truffle bars- not sure if you tried those yet. We buy them at Sam's in a variety pak, way cheaper!! Family time is the best time!!! By the way what the hell did you do with that big zucinni? (I don't know how to spell that)
