Well, I made it to the gym tonight after work. I had an Awesome workout! I did a little over 3 miles on the track, lifted 2 sets of weights and did some crunches! This, all after I donated plasma this morning. Working out on my plasma days is usually a really big NO-NO, but it wasn't so bad tonight. Brent had supper ready when I got home; meatloaf (he makes the best meatloaf), mashed potatoes and peas. I drank a whole bottle of water and ate just a few spuds and peas, but had 2 pieces of meatloaf. I figured that was ok because of the protein. And here I thought I would have popcorn for supper tonight. So that's 2 days in a row. Now, I just need to hang on to that over the weekend and into next week.
I haven't really been keeping track of the miles on my new running shoes, but since I started the 'training' thing for the 5K, I must have about 15 on them at least, plus a couple more from before I started. I don't think I will 'mile them out' before the big event, but maybe afterwards, that can be my excuse for getting new ones. Although, this pair IS my indoor pair!
I can't believe you don't feel like crap after Plasma and you still got to the gym. So no muffin after Plasma this time? ha ha Now why don't you find a "diet" food plan we can follow? That is what frustrates me is the food, all the plans have such weird stuff that either I wouldn't eat or is to expensive to buy!!! Let me know.