Yesterday was a good day too. I ate well the entire day, but did not get in all the water I should have. I did not get a workout in, but I stayed active and busy the entire evening. It was hot yesterday and we didn't turn on the air before leaving the house and it was a steamy 79 degrees in the house when we got home. We figured it would start cooling off by the time we got home and since we would be gone all day it wouldn't make sense to turn on the air. Well, since it was so hot I splurged and had a beer at the end of the night. It was a mic ultra, so I guess that counts for something. The scale was down 1/2 pound today. Not much else to blog about.....
good for you that you are staying on track!! Beer, that sounds so dang good!! haha It has been hot here to, but jus think pretty soon getting out will be going outside to build a snowman!!! keep up your good work!