So I said I was going to blog everyday and I had done pretty well for a while. My trip to Boise was the kicker and got me out of the habit, of both blogging and trying to eat better. My trip was good professionally; I was elected President of the group for all the states. I am the face of the group now and I don't like that it's a fat face. We took pictures at the end of the conference and I couldn't beleive how chubby I looked. It was awful. I have a picture of me in my desk from the first year I attended this conference in 2003. I was SKINNY! Now I compare the 2 photos, 6 years and 30 pounds apart. It's just so sad.
I ate horrible while I was gone and have continued to do so ever since. To top that off, I didn't excercise.
Well, now that it's behind me, it's going to stay that way. I started fresh yesterday and I had an awsome day. I'll celebrate each daily victory and yesterday was one for sure.
I ate super all day long! My one downturn was the orange soda I bought at lunch. I told myself not to get it, but it was hot out and I was going for a walk at lunch after I ran a couple errands so I grabbed the pop anyway. I learned my lesson last night at Guts and Butts because I worked my ass off for a full 45 minutes and only burned enough calories to compensate for the pop. Are you kidding me? So I had to work my ass off for another 45 minutes. I guess I can take that lesson with me and not drink that stuff anymore. I am on to just water for a while.
So yesterday I ate great, went for a walk at lunch, had a good day at work, went to Guts and Butts and had a good workout. When I got home, I had a bowl of cereal and an egg beater for protein, then sweat my ass off some more cleaning the bathroom. I was in a good mood all day, accomplished some things I wanted to and went to bed knowing I had a good day. It was the best feeling.